The word “word” has two words in the Bible. Confused yet? Read it again … in the Bible we see the word “word”, but that word has two different words in the original Greek language. Those two words are “Logos” and “Rhema”. Stick with me this is so important.
Most Christians are familiar with the “Logos” translation. This is a written word. This is God’s Word to us. This is the Bible. The word “logos” is used 330 times in the New Testament.
Less familiar is the “Rhema” translation. This is a spoken word. It is a present word. It is an immediate call to action. The word “rhema” is used 68 times in the New Testament.
I know, this isn’t making a ton of sense yet, but hang on, this is so important. Let me give. a few examples ….
John 1:1
“In the beginning was the Word (Logos), and the Word (Logos) was with God, and the Word (Logos) was God.”
This verse is speaking of the person of Jesus Christ. It is referencing the eternal nature of Jesus. It also shows the unity of the Father and Son and the eternal word (logos) of God.
Here’s another …
John 1:14
“The Word (Logos) became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.”
A reference to Jesus becoming a human, but still retaining the eternal nature of the Logos.
So what about “Rhema”? This is where it gets interesting …
John 15:7
“If you remain in me and my words (Rhema) remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.”
Once again “Rhema” is a spoken word, a present word. It’s a call to action. Here Jesus is saying, that “Logos word” needs to be a “Rhema word” inside of you. In other “words” (ha) … it’s not enough to just know the scriptures, it must be dwelling in us. It has to be active. It must be a present tense message. That’s a “Rhema”, and that’s what produces the power. The verse isn’t saying if the Bible is in you, ask whatever you wish. The verse is pointing to a “Rhema” word. This is a word for that moment. It is a combination of a written word (Logos), and a current reality in your life. The Holy Spirit then delivers a “Rhema” word.
Still confused? Here’s another one …
Ephesians 6:17
“Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word (Rhema) of God.”
This one is a slight mind shift for us. Growing up I’ve always pictured this verse by using the Bible as the sword. My mind’s eye even imagines beating the devil over the head with a big ole fat KJV family Bible, but I digress. Growing up we even had Bible drill competitions that were dubbed “Sword Drill”. This isn’t a bad interpretation at all. The Bible is after all, a weapon that we have in our arsenal. It is something we use when fighting Satan. However, the “Logos” can only take us so far. The power is in the “Rhema”. The “Logos” word of God is a stored up knowledge we possess. It is information based on our years of experience in studying the Bible and being in relationship with God. But, a “Rhema” word is a current word. It is given to us in the right now for the situation right in front of us. It’s practical and it’s applicable in the present tense.
Before I’m labeled a heretic … read Jesus’ own words…
Matthew 4:4
“Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word (Rhema) that comes from the mouth of God.”
When Jesus was tempted by the Devil, his response was a “Rhema” not a “Logos” word. In other words, He answered with a specific word for that particular situation. It wasn’t a general proclamation of the entire Bible, it was a direct answer to the direct temptation. It was a word for that moment and that issue.
So, with that foundation what do we make of all of this? First, notice that Jesus did respond with “Rhema”, but that “Rhema” was from the “Logos”. In other words, both are vital, and neither should ever contradict the other. They are in cooperation. The “Logos” is the foundation. For our purposes, the Bible, the Word of God, the Scripture is the basis for everything. God will never give us a word (Rhema), that contradicts the Word (Logos). Therefore, we must be students of the Bible. We need to know the Scriptures.
But, just knowing the Word (Logos) isn’t enough. God can then speak to us, and give us a fresh word (Rhema) for our situation. The Bible is indeed a weapon for us to use, but it’s not a knife we just hurl in the air at the evil that comes at us. We aren’t just blindly swatting the devil with our Bible. No, it’s the Rhema that holds the power. We yield this specific word.
Have you ever had a situation where you read a passage of Scripture that you may have read 100’s of times, and suddenly a new insight hit you? That’s the Logos becoming the Rhema. As a reminder, they will never contradict. If they do, that Rhema isn’t a Rhema, it’s a “made up in your head”.
A Rhema word is life changing. It is a direct, fresh experience with God Himself. While the Logos is something for us to study and know, the Rhema is something we should yearn for. A Rhema is a present tense answer and encounter with God Himself. The prayer could be “God speak to me, give me a “Rhema” today.” It’s a word for right here and right now.
The apostle Peter had this encounter …
After fishing all night and catching nothing, the professional fisherman Peter was instructed by Jesus.
Luke 5:4-6
When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.” Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so (Rhema), I will let down the nets.”When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break.
Did you see it? Peter knew who Jesus was. Peter was also a professional fisherman that knew his trade well. But Jesus gives a “Rhema” word. A word for right then and right there. He tells Peter to try the other side of the boat. This story has always struck me as funny. I could see Peter almost flippantly carrying this out. It’s as if Peter would be saying, “oh yeah, the other side of this little boat, yeah didn’t think of that one”. But he did it! Peter, because he received this “Rhema” word did it. And, of course, they caught so many fish the nets began to break.
Hallelujah, don’t miss that one. When we receive a “Rhema” word from God, we need to follow through. Even if it sounds crazy, it’s go time. A fresh “Rhema” word can lead to breakthrough. We can be full of all of the knowledge, but that one new message can change everything.
So, what do we do? First we make ourselves students of the “Logos”. The Logos is eternal, and it never changes. Jesus gave Satan a “Rhema” word, because He knew the “Logos”. Actually He WAS the “Logos”, but the point still stands. Peter received a “Rhema” word, because he knew the “Logos”.
I’ll wrap up this blog with one more verse. It’s yet another reminder of the power of the here and now, and the “Rhema” word.
John 6:63
“The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words (Rhema) I have spoken to you—they are full of the Spirit and life.”
God’s Word (Logos) will give us God’s Word (Rhema). Get grounded in the Logos, and passionately seek the Rhema. The (Logos) word is foundational, but the (Rhema) word brings life!