Proverbs 11:2 …

“When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.”

I have often read this verse and thought that when a person has pride then something bad would happen to them. It seemed a point of justice. Pride leads to downfall, disgrace, embarrassment.

It makes me think of the bully in a movie who does something cruel and then turns and trips and everyone laughs at the mean guy. You enjoy watching him fall as a sort of punishment for what he has done to others. (Or maybe that is just me and some of you would have sympathy on him. I would hope someone would jump out of the shrubbery and trip him again! Another fall for the bully. Yay!)

However, if we look at this verse again, it is not discussing a bad thing happening only to the proud. Both the proud and the humble experience difficulties. The second part of the verse does not show a protection from trials, instead, it simply states that the humble receive wisdom from the time of suffering.

Each situation gives the opportunity to respond with pride or humility. If I respond with pride then I am disgraced. But if I respond with humility than I am granted wisdom. Every circumstance provides a choice to get upset or to learn, to react or to respond, to look at the situation or to look at the God behind the situation.

The essence of humility is the acceptance of God’s sovereignty. I view the situation as from God and that He has allowed what has happened. Although it is difficult, I can ask God for wisdom in handling whatever trial has come my way. My attitude is one of what can be gained through the pain instead of how to avoid the pain.

James 1:2-5

“Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.”

The joy in trials is knowing that purpose will ultimately come from the pain. It will not be wasted if I handle the situation as directed by God. In humility I seek Him and ask for wisdom. Thus, I am not living disgraced for what was sent to “trip me up” instead I am choosing to utilize the situation as a platform for growth, change, transformation.

While this verse does not mean the proud bully will trip and fall (although that would be great!), it does mean that the trials of our lives can benefit me in the end when I allow the Lord to guide and direct me. The proud are disgraced by difficulties, the humble receive wisdom in difficulties. It comes down to our choice in how we respond to our trials.