“It is the people of God who can truly shape a nation. Many look to great leaders or powerful governments to shape a nation. But most likely, leaders and governments will not restore a nation once it is on the downward slide. While leaders and governments can influence a nation, there is no group of people who can determine the coming years of a nation like God’s people.”

Henry Blackaby

First of all, I do think politics are important.  Our nation was built on a democratic system of checks and balances.  It’s not a perfect system, but I believe it’s the best system.  I also believe that as Christians we have a responsibility to vote.  We should vote for candidates that best represent Biblical values.  But, this is where I need to digress a bit.  What I don’t believe in is an elected official that will “save” the country.  What I think everyone can agree on is that America is divided.  Not just now, but at least for the last few decades.  It’s almost a 50/50 divide.  Much of that stems from a false believe that one of the major political parties will be the answer, or that candidate “x” will be the one that finally puts things back together.  From a psychology level I get it.  Everyone likes to believe in something.  Hope is needed.  But, as Christians, we should feel a bigger calling.  I like the way that Blackaby worded it:  A leader can “influence”, but Christians can “determine” the fate of the nation.  It’s more grass roots.  It’s deeper and more personal.  It’s revival and discipleship.  Christians are we determined to make this nation great again?  If so, are we depending on those we elect or are we rolling up our sleeves and doing what we can?  Once again, I believe in our system, and I think it has it’s place.  But, the fate of our nation rest on us.