“A religion, even popular Christianity, could enjoy a boom altogether divorced from the transforming power of the Holy Spirit and so leave the church of the next generation worse off than it would have been if the boom had never occurred. I believe that the imperative need of the day is not simply revival, but a radical reformation that will go to the root of our moral and spiritual maladies and deal with causes rather than with consequences, with the disease rather than with symptoms.”

A.W. Tozer

This A.W. Tozer quote is from 1959, but it’s even more relevant today.  Church we don’t need “old-time religion”. We need radical reformation!  What does this mean?  What does this look like?   I believe Christianity in America for many years has been focused on the “consequences” and the “symptoms” as Tozer called them… Even in my own church background we have often focused on righteous living, on the externals of the faith… we fix the visible sins and we ACT like people of God. The problem is that this is completely external. As a group of people (a church) begin to do this, it becomes the norm. It then becomes “group think”. We slowly develop a false theology and a false thinking. We equate our righteous living to a movement of God, when in actuality, it is just our own attempts to live right. This is not far from the lives the Pharisees lived. We give them such a bad name in sermons, but in actuality the Pharisees were very “righteous” guys. They lived outwardly very devout lives. Why do we condemn them? Because they were missing the point. That is what my fear is for the American church. The “disease” that Tozer mentions is us I believe. It’s not unrighteous living, it might even be righteous living. It is us depending on our own abilities rather than a complete transforming work by the Spirit of God. So, what am I looking to happen?  I’m not sure exactly to be honest.. but it involves the word “more”… I just hear stories of supernatural movements of God happening all around the world… things that cannot be explained any other way than simply saying “God did this”… That is what I’m looking for! How do I (we) get there? I think we have to start with a discontent with status quo Christianity first.. We have to not settle for simple religion… Just because it has been done this way for the last however many years, and just because it is the norm all around us, doesn’t necessarily make it authentic…. More – that’s what I’m looking for!