“We must have a reformation within the Church. To beg for a flood of blessing to come upon a backslidden and disobedient Church is to waste time and effort. A new wave of religious interest will do no more than add numbers to churches that have no intention to own the Lordship of Jesus and come under obedience to His commandments. God is not interested in increased church attendance unless those who attend amend their ways and begin to live holy lives.”

A.W. Tozer

I’ve seen it many times, you likely have as well.  A new fervor develops in a congregation.  Rapid numeric growth occurs.  The people are happy, the staff is ecstatic, and God is said to be “moving”.  But, what if it’s not God at all?  What if it’s simply a “feel good” convention?  Not to seem like an amateur psychologist here, but there is such a thing as group think.  If enough people start moving in one direction and everyone thinks it’s good, well it’s good.  In this Tozer quote he says “they have no intention to come under the Lordship of Jesus.”  That is scary stuff.  I mean, isn’t that truly the reason for all of it?  That’s the bottom line right?  That’s why we exist as a congregation in the first place.

As a life long minister, I understand the pressure of growth.  I’ve been a part of a congregation that grew rapidly, and it was awesome.  There really is nothing better than that feeling.  It gives a sense of validation to us.  However, I’ve also been in a congregation that was going through a rapid decline.  I swear if I ever write a book it will be titled “How to Grow Your Youth Group from 120 to 60 and Keep Your Job”.  Been there and done that!  But, as good as the feeling of growth feels, and as hard as the time of decline feels, we should never soften the message simply to make it more palatable.   Once again, isn’t Lordship the goal?

I do need to add a quick disclaimer here.  Everyone will read these words through their own context, experience, and background.  As I’ve heard said, “don’t hear what I’m not saying”.  What I’m not saying is that rapid growth is always wrong.  By no means is that correct.  The great awakenings and the great revivals say otherwise.  We see God’s Spirit moving mightily even today all over the world.  I’m also not saying that churches cannot be “out of the box” and do some very creative things in the community.  We SHOULD be in the community.  We SHOULD be friends with the unchurched.  But, we should never water the message down to the point where it’s no longer the gospel message.