It’s a little after midnight as I type this blog post.  In today’s local news, the Gulf of Mexico claimed another drown victim.  Down here in the Panhandle of Florida, we’ve had somewhere near 20 drownings in the past two weeks.  It does make the news, and it is reported, but the casualties continue to pile up.  It’s almost a daily occurrence now.  The culprit?  a rip current.  A rip current is:  “a fast, narrow moving channels of water that will pull you out away from the shore. The speeds rip currents move can be up to eight feet per second.”  What’s really dangerous about rip currents is they are almost undetectable.  There are things to watch for, but for the average beach-goer or vacationer, they are virtually invisible.  Once caught in the current, it’s force is too strong.  While the current can move someone 8 feet per second, the average Olympic swimmer moves at about 4 feet per second.  Fighting against the power of the water is a losing battle.

Before you quit reading, I’m headed somewhere with this posting.  The comparisons of our current culture in the church and in society have flooded my mind tonight (not sure “flooded” is the best word choice, but you get what I mean).  To be clear the rip current is deadly.  It has taken around 20 lives in two weeks around here.  But, day after day, people continue to defy the red flag warning system that is in place.  They “wink at” the danger.  They think “it couldn’t happen to me or my family”, or “I’m a strong swimmer”, or “it doesn’t look that bad”.  But, the silent assassin sits just below the water level, waiting for the next victim.

Could it be that we have rip currents pervading our society and even the church?  Could it be that the rip current is taking people out one at a time?  All the while, we “wink at” the danger.  We think it can’t happen to me.  I’m here to raise the double red flag (that’s the system for those non-beach people … double red, means DON’T GET IN THE WATER).  We have a rip current that is taking out the church.  I know many are already thinking this is yet another blog post about the evils in the world.  And yes, there are evils in the world.  Drugs, sex, perversion, pornography, and on and on.  We live in evil times.  But, this blog post isn’t about the “big bad evils in the world”.  This is more about the hidden current in the church.  What do I mean?

I believe Satan has many schemes, but two in my opinion are prominent.  First, it’s the oldest of them all, deception and a fear of missing out.  Way back in the beginning, in the Garden of Eden, the first lie was “Did God really say?”.  For Adam and Eve there was a fear of missing out.  They had everything, yet, they were deceived to believe that God was holding out on them.  It’s nothing new, but I believe the current is stronger today then it’s ever been.  For many Christians, there is a feeling of “am I missing out”.  There’s a fear of giving control to God.  To do that, means potentially missing out on all the things this world offers.  As a reminder, Adam and Eve HAD EVERYTHING …. EVERYTHING.  They were in paradise walking with God.  We have the same, we have EVERYTHING.  Yet, the current tries to pull us out.  The second strong current used by Satan is “divide and conquer”.  In my lifetime, I’m not sure I have ever seen the church as divided as it is now.  Of course we live in a society that is offended by everything, and that has now crept into the church.  How did we get to the place we are in?  Why is everyone so upset and hurt and offended … EVEN IN THE CHURCH?  To be clear there are stands we must take.  There are things we cannot allow, and we cannot compromise on.  But, there is so much we can agree on.  I have friends that are more reformed then John Calvin himself.  I have friends that are the “hair on fire jump the pews Pentecostals”.  I know quite a few mainline Baptist, Methodist, and Presbyterians.  I’ve even got Catholic friends that love Jesus with all their heart.  But then there is this rip current of division that just keeps coming back.  It’s taking Christians out one by one.  Fighting, grumbling, murmuring, and gossiping.  It’s killing us!  I mean even as I’m typing this my blood pressure is rising.  IT IS KILLING US!!  I for one have had enough of both of the currents.  Jesus is all we need.  There isn’t a fear of missing something else.  This sounds like old school preaching, but if you have Jesus, you really do have everything.  And second, this bickering within the body has to stop.  I promise I’m going to do my part.

Alright, back to the rip current.  It is deadly.  It’s claimed many people that didn’t see it coming.  But, it’s survivable.  The way to survived a rip current is to not fight it.  The key is to swim not back against the current, because you’ll lose.  The secret is to swim parallel to the shore just enough to get out of the current, then you can safely get back to shore.  Here’s my take:  we can’t fight against the deception and gossip.  We don’t push back, we avoid.  We get out of there as quickly as possible.  Oh boy, this is just a free flow type session here, but I’m hearing it now …. Let me be clear:  If we are fighting back the deception we are losing.  If we are participating in the gossip, we are losing.  Get away, don’t be a part of it.  You want the life that God has for you?  Don’t stay in the rip current and fight.  NO!  Get out.  Flee!

This blog post was truly free flow of thoughts (as many are).  I don’t check for spelling and grammar (which might be obvious 🙂 … The rip current is in the church.  It’s unseen, but it’s deadly.  If you find yourself in the currents of deception or gossip, it’s time to quit “winking at” the problem.