My grandmother and I were sitting in a doctor’s office when I saw Jesus.  I did not actually witness Jesus dressed in a white robe and wearing some cool sandals, although I did see a lady wearing rope sandals which I could not imagine how they could be comfortable.  No, the “Jesus” I saw was a woman wearing non-flattering scrubs with tennis shoes.  But she did remind me of Jesus.

It all began when an elderly lady was wheeled from a nursing home van into the lobby.  She looked to be well over a hundred, wearing her Mumu and sporting comfortable slippers (I wish I knew the woman’s age.  I would like to find out when I can wear slippers out of the house and no one thinks it is out of place.)   She was brought in and set in a space that would accommodate her wheelchair.  She just sat with her eyes closed, not making a sound.  The worker from the nursing home went to sign her in and complete paper work.  Upon finishing the tasks, the nursing home attendant went and sat by the elderly lady in the wheelchair.  The worker gently put her hand on the woman’s arm.  The woman in the wheelchair blinded by age, smiled and said, “I did not know anyone was with me.”  She seemed so appreciative to have someone nearby and asked, “Who are you?”  The worker in the scrubs and tennis shoes simply answered, “It’s me, Sam.”  The elderly adult smiled and responded, “Oh, Sam.”  And then she began to chat happily with the attendant she obviously knew well.

Tears came to my eyes at the tender exchange.  My mind flooded to times in my life when I felt alone, physically unwell, confused, disoriented.  But suddenly my heart would feel a gentle touch followed by inaudible words, “It’s me, Jesus.”  As I am reminded by His presence I can smile and share my heart, my burdens with Him for I am not alone.  No, I cannot actually see Him, but just like the woman in the wheelchair, to know someone who cares for you is with you, it makes the difficult circumstances easier to bear.

He Himself has said, “I will never desert you, nor will I forsake you…

Hebrews 13:5b

I have heard this verse so often that I forget the wonder of it all.  The Lord God Himself is with me.  He encourages, strengthens, comforts, rejoices, mourns with me.  I am not alone.  This verse is quoted without context so often that we may forget the purpose of why it was shared with us.  Jesus wants us to know that He is always with us so

…that we confidently say, “The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid.  What will man do to me?

Hebrews 13:6

A woman in a wheelchair had confidence in facing the doctor because Sam was with her.  We have confidence to face any situation, whatever it may be, for the Lord who will not forsake us, will also help us.  His presence and His power are constant variables in our lives.

As I sat there in the doctors’ office, facing some new circumstances in regards to my grandparent’s health, Jesus gave me a vivid picture of His encouraging presence as I navigate through this difficult time.  “It’s Jesus.  I am with you.  I will not leave you.  I will help you.”  He is my confidence and He let a sweet nurse attendant remind me of this in a vivid way.