OK, so this isn’t necessarily a book review as much as an author review, but I just don’t think you can miss with Tozer. I’ve read several influential books in the past, but Tozer is the one author I continue to return to. His writing style is simple, yet direct. He’s not known for lofty words and grandeur speech. Though he pastored and authored for 44 years (I believe?), he was never formally educated in seminary. He was a self taught man. I think this is why I like him so much. He’s not tainted by over spiritualizing his words. At the same time, his words are incredibly insightful and profound. Once you start reading Tozer, it’s hard to quit. He’s very readable. You’ll find yourself immersed, and then out of no where … A ZINGER! He is known for quotes such as: “A pharisee is hard on others and easy on himself, but a spiritual man is easy on others and hard on himself.” Or, “The neglected heart will soon be a heart overrun with worldly thoughts, the neglected life will soon become a moral chaos.” These are just two of Tozer’s nuggets. His writings are full of them. If you are new to Tozer, I think you’ll quickly become hooked. He’s one of my favorites.

Below are links to recommended Tozer books (click links for Amazon descriptions):
If you’re new to Tozer I recommend starting with “The Pursuit of God”.

My next “must read” would be “The Knowledge of the Holy”.

Additional reads:  “God’s Pursuit of Man” (a great follow up to “The Pursuit of God”), “Keys to a Deeper Life”“How to be Filled with the Holy Spirit”.

Ones I haven’t read yet, but it’s on my short list:  “The Best of A.W. Tozer, Book 1” and “The Best of A.W. Tozer, Book 2”.  These are both obviously compilations of some of Tozer’s best writings.

Welcome to the wonderful world of A.W. Tozer.  Though he’s been deceased since 1963, his words sound even more relevant today.