Christianity is Risky

Christianity is Risky

“In any culture in which God is largely absent, sex, money, and politics will fill the vacuum for different people. This is the reason that our political discourse is increasingly ideological and polarized.” – Tim Keller

Life is an endless pursuit of fulfillment.  We all desire to be filled.  God has created us with a longing, this is from Him!  I’ve grown up hearing and knowing that “only God can satisfy”.  If you’ve been around the church for a while like me, you likely have as well.  But, have the words that we’ve heard been absorbed into our heart?  Do we truly live as though God is my one and only satisfaction?  We might know the sufficiency of God in theory, but do we live it out in actuality?  To be honest, there are so many other things that satisfy me:   Pizza, Football, Hot Wings, Entertainment, Ice Cream … that’s three food references for those keeping score!  Yes, those things do satisfy … or do they?  What about deeper things?  Can a new job making bucket loads of money satisfy me?  (I’d sure like to try that one).  What about fame?  Maybe if I was famous, and everyone looked to me I’d be satisfied.  What about power?  What if I could say it and it would happen?  What about pleasure?  To keep it real, we have to admit that sin can be fun right?  We live in a society that is continually lowering the moral standard.  Go to the bar, get hammered, forget your worries, have a good time, find someone to go home with … have a good time … then repeat next weekend.  There is some fulfillment in that.  Power, Sex, Money, Fame, Control … they all offer some form of fulfillment.  But, as you know, it’s fleeting.  It doesn’t last.  When you get money, you fear losing it, or you need more.  You achieve fame, and find it isn’t as fulfilling as you thought.  People in power positions are some of the loneliest people there are.  They have many that listen to them and do everything they say, but yet they are lonely.

Only God can satisfy.  It’s not just a trite Christian phrase we throw around.  It’s truth.  Solomon is said to be a man full of wisdom.  He had everything life could offer:  money, fame, women, power.  You name it, Solomon had it.  So, what was this wise mans conclusion?  Solomon doesn’t waste time in the book of Ecclesiastes.  Chapter One, Verse One says, “Meaningless! Meaningless!”
 says the Teacher.  “Utterly meaningless!  Everything is meaningless.”  Don’t miss it … that’s his opening statement.  I’d like to try that as a sermon introduction one Sunday.  “Good morning congregation … Today’s message is, “It’s all Meaningless, Utterly Meaningless”.  Now that would be an uplifter right?  For twelve chapters in Ecclesiastes Solomon repeats over and over “meaningless, it’s all meaningless”.  He gives example after example of his search, but still, “meaningless, it’s all meaningless”.  So, twelve chapters later, what is the conclusion?  Solomon writes, “Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter:  Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind.  For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.”  Fear God.  That’s the answer.  Live under his commandments.  Basically, do it God’s way.  

The quote above also included politics.  Politics is the new religion.  Many fall into the trap of making politics their hope.  The problem is that politics are lead by politicians.  I’m not saying all politicians are bad, but I am saying that all politicians are human.  Humans are fallible and make mistakes.  Humans will disappoint.  People will let you down.  Underneath the politics is the ideology.  We all have an ideology, or a way we see the world.  We have an “ideal”.  Could it be that our ideology is our hope instead of God being our hope?  The thing that is dangerous about ideology is that it is never achieved, yet it’s always out there as something to strive for.  Our ideal lingers under the surface reminding us that if we can just get to that next step, get that next promotion, get that candidate elected, etc… then, fulfillment will be found.  But we never reach that point.  We do fight for it though.  Wars are started over ideology.  Families are divided over ideology.  Churches are split over ideology.  Ideology is a silent killer that wrecks us.

So, what to do with this?  Sex, Money, Fame, Ideology, Power … none of it will last, none of it will fulfill.  Do we really believe that only God can satisfy?  If so, how do we practically live that out?  How do we live a life that is dependent solely upon God for satisfaction.  At this point you might expect me to quote Scripture, which is always a good thing.  I have numerous references I could use here.  The Bible consistently talks about leaning on God, trusting in God, looking to God, etc.  There is no shortage of those verses.  That’s a common thing.  But, I’d rather end this posting with a practical bit of advice.  Here it is …. big drumroll …. RISK!  Yeah, live with risk.  Risk your life on God.  If what you are doing right now has not brought you satisfaction, why not risk it all and go for something completely different?  I’m not really a poker player, but if I was, I’d say put all your chips in.  Go “all in” on your relationship with God.  Risk it!  Become the Jesus freak you used to make fun of.  Get into God’s Word, listen to Christian music, ask questions, become over involved in your local church.  Basically, sell out to Christianity.

I see two choices:  Live the way you have been and experience moments of fulfillment, followed by droughts of loneliness and hopelessness.  OR, try something completely different and RISK your life on God.  I assure you the risk is worth it!

The quote above is from Tim Keller’s book Counterfeit gods (yes with a little “g”).  This is one of the most influential books I have read over the last five years.  I highly recommend it.

Clear the Stage

Clear the Stage

I love this song.  It’s message is simple, yet convicting.

Anything I put before my God is an idol
Anything I want with all my heart is an idol
Anything I can’t stop thinking of is an idol
Anything that I give all my love is an idol

Lord, help me to put you first, to want you most, to think of you more, and to give you all.  Lord, help me as I “clear the stage” in my life.

Author Spotlight:  A.W. Tozer

Author Spotlight: A.W. Tozer

OK, so this isn’t necessarily a book review as much as an author review, but I just don’t think you can miss with Tozer. I’ve read several influential books in the past, but Tozer is the one author I continue to return to. His writing style is simple, yet direct. He’s not known for lofty words and grandeur speech. Though he pastored and authored for 44 years (I believe?), he was never formally educated in seminary. He was a self taught man. I think this is why I like him so much. He’s not tainted by over spiritualizing his words. At the same time, his words are incredibly insightful and profound. Once you start reading Tozer, it’s hard to quit. He’s very readable. You’ll find yourself immersed, and then out of no where … A ZINGER! He is known for quotes such as: “A pharisee is hard on others and easy on himself, but a spiritual man is easy on others and hard on himself.” Or, “The neglected heart will soon be a heart overrun with worldly thoughts, the neglected life will soon become a moral chaos.” These are just two of Tozer’s nuggets. His writings are full of them. If you are new to Tozer, I think you’ll quickly become hooked. He’s one of my favorites.

Below are links to recommended Tozer books (click links for Amazon descriptions):
If you’re new to Tozer I recommend starting with “The Pursuit of God”.

My next “must read” would be “The Knowledge of the Holy”.

Additional reads:  “God’s Pursuit of Man” (a great follow up to “The Pursuit of God”), “Keys to a Deeper Life”“How to be Filled with the Holy Spirit”.

Ones I haven’t read yet, but it’s on my short list:  “The Best of A.W. Tozer, Book 1” and “The Best of A.W. Tozer, Book 2”.  These are both obviously compilations of some of Tozer’s best writings.

Welcome to the wonderful world of A.W. Tozer.  Though he’s been deceased since 1963, his words sound even more relevant today.