What is Resonate?

Over the last several years, we have heard a cry among many church-goers.  The common words are “are we missing it” and “there has to be more”.  The simple message to the church is “yes there is more”.  God is more than a weekly meeting.  God is more than a set of moral codes.  God is more than a set of doctrines.  God is more, there is more!

Our belief is that God wants to do something new.  God wants to reveal Himself.  In other words, God wants to show the more!

Resonate ministries began as a desire for the people of God to see the “more” that God has for them.  Resonate means “to be filled or produce a deep, full sound as well as to agree with someone.”.  We want to help the church to resonate with God.  Our mission is to tune lives to the heart of God.  The church is called to go deep and partner with God’s heart to see individuals, families, and communities changed!


Blame Your Parents!

Blame Your Parents!

"What one generation tolerates, the next generation will embrace." - John Wesley Everyone complains about the "younger generation". As a GenXer (I think?) my generation was looked down on. I was part of the TV generation. We were warned that TV was warping our minds. We saw the rise of technology. Anyone remember the Commodore 64? Yep, I had one of those bad boys. We had a fascination with...

Jonah’s Messy Detour

Jonah’s Messy Detour

I do not have a sense of direction. I have found myself lost in my own neighborhood! I thank the Lord for GPS often. I need specific navigation in my life. The GPS helps me find my way home. The Lord is the ultimate navigator. Even when we choose to go our own way, He knows how to bring us back, often with a creative and even disgusting flair, as we will see in the case of Jonah. Jonah 1:1-2 The...

Hurt That Heals

Hurt That Heals

“Did the dentist hurt you when he drilled your tooth to remove the cavity?” “Yes.” “Did he harm you?” “No, he made me feel better.” “Hurt and harm are different,” I pointed out. “When you ate the sugar that gave you the cavity, did that hurt?” “No, it tasted good,” he said, with a smile that told me he was catching on. “Did it harm you?” “Yes.” “That’s my point. Things can hurt and not harm us....

We’d Love to Partner With You …

We love seeing lives changed, and we would love to partner with you in your ministry.  Anything from a one day event to a week long crusade is possible.  In addition to worship events, we offer one-on-one consultation services to church staffs and ministry teams.  Our desire is to be more than “in and out”.  We want to partner with you and your congregation.

We’d Love to Partner With You …

We love seeing lives changed, and we would love to partner with you in your ministry.  Anything from a one day event to a week long crusade is possible.  In addition to worship events, we offer one-on-one consultation services to church staffs and ministry teams.  Our desire is to be more than “in and out”.  We want to partner with you and your congregation.

Who We Are

Who We Are

Kevin Tillman

Kevin is a pastor’s kid.  He was born and raised in the church.  Kevin has seen up close the joys and hurts of ministry.  In high school, he felt a strong calling to ministry.  He began working at churches while in college, and has been on a church staff ever since 1989.  In 1993, he received a Music degree, and in 1999, he completed his Master of Divinity degree.  Over the years, Kevin has served as a worship leader, youth pastor, media minister, kid’s minister, and lead pastor.  He has also spoken and led worship at various camps, retreats, and church events.  With his background, he has the unique ability to present messages with music, so he is able to conduct preaching during worship.  During the last 30 years of ministry, he has seen several shifts in church culture.  If he had to boil it down to one thought, it would be that the church has been trying to reach the culture by being like the culture.

“I truly believe God is ready to turn this ship back around!  We don’t need the culture, we need God!”

Email Kevin:  kevin@resonateministries.com



Shannon Tillman

Shannon’s background is in social work.  She worked at an organization that helped runaway and homeless teenagers.  She also served on church staffs as a children’s minister, youth minister, church planter, and bible study writer.  As a volunteer with Voice of the Martyrs, she helped raise awareness about the persecuted church around the world.  Shannon has spoken at various conferences of all ages.  Her passion is the application of the Word of God to lives in a fun, vibrant, practical, and relevant way.  All learning styles are engaged in the process, because the Bible comes alive with props, videos, illustrations, and games.

“I am excited about the future of the church.  Jesus will return for a glorious bride and we get to be a part of helping the church be ready, be beautiful, be glorious for the Groom!”

Email Shannon:  shannon@resonateministries.com

Kevin Tillman

Kevin is a pastor’s kid.  He was born and raised in the church.  Kevin has seen up close the joys and hurts of ministry.  In high school, he felt a strong calling to ministry.  He began working at churches while in college, and has been on a church staff ever since 1989.

In 1993, he received a Music degree, and in 1999, he completed his Master of Divinity degree.  Over the years, Kevin has served as a worship leader, youth pastor, media minister, kid’s minister, and lead pastor.  He has also spoken and led worship at various camps, retreats, and church events.  With his background, he has the unique ability to present messages with music, so he is able to conduct preaching during worship.  During the last 30 years of ministry, he has seen several shifts in church culture.  If he had to boil it down to one thought, it would be that the church has been trying to reach the culture by being like the culture.

“I truly believe God is ready to turn this ship back around!  We don’t need the culture, we need God!”

Email Kevin:  kevin@resonateministries.com



Shannon Tillman

Shannon’s background is in social work.  She worked at an organization that helped runaway and homeless teenagers.  She also served on church staffs as a children’s minister, youth minister, church planter, and bible study writer.  As a volunteer with Voice of the Martyrs, she helped raise awareness about the persecuted church around the world.

Shannon has spoken at various conferences of all ages.  Her passion is the application of the Word of God to lives in a fun, vibrant, practical, and relevant way.  All learning styles are engaged in the process, because the Bible comes alive with props, videos, illustrations, and games.

“I am excited about the future of the church.  Jesus will return for a glorious bride and we get to be a part of helping the church be ready, be beautiful, be glorious for the Groom!”

Email Shannon:  shannon@resonateministries.com

Kevin and Shannon are happily married, and have been ministering together for many years.  They’ve had the privilege of speaking and leading at numerous camps and retreats, as well as even planting a church together.  They’ve seen up close and personal the joys and hardships of ministry.  It is from these experiences and a desire for Renewal and Revival that Resonate Ministries was birthed.

God is moving in miraculous and supernatural ways all across the world, yet many Christians attend services week after week, and are left wondering “is there more?”

Kevin and Shannon are ready to help Christians and leaders enter into the “more” that He has.  Each congregation and ministry is unique, so it is important to understand the context of each situation.  Because of their diverse backgrounds and experiences, Kevin and Shannon are well-equipped to partner with most congregations, and help them move beyond their current state.

What We Do

What We Do

Throughout history church methodology has been changed and challenged.  We believe a new season of change is coming.   We believe God is wanting to revitalize the church.  We believe we are well-equipped to be a part of this movement, because we understand where the church is.  We understand the mind and thinking of ministers, because we have been there and done that!

If the church continues to do what the church has been doing, the results will remain the same.  God wants to do something new and to reveal Himself.  God wants to show the “more”!

So, the big question:  How?  We believe in order to break the mold, some unconventional ways of doing ministry will need to occur.  Resonate reaches the church and the community through the Rally, Revival, Retreats, Resources, and through Reels.

The Rally is a school of ministry for teenagers with hands-on opportunities to implement trainings into practice.  Teenagers are not the church of tomorrow, they are the church of today!  We want to invest in them now.  The Rally is a church for teens.  By teens.  As leaders, we help train and equip, but they lead.  As a sub-ministry of The Rally, weekly one-on-one, or small group sessions are given.  Our trainings consist of practical skill set lessons on prayer, sharing testimonies, creating bible lessons, worship leading, and video and graphic editing.  These teens can then immediately utilize what they are learning in the weekly Rally meetings.  The Rally is raising the standard, putting a demand on teenagers and guiding them in the process in order to see them rise up to their full potential.

Beyond The Rally, we travel and speak in congregations and conferences.  Our unique background allows us to speak to the church and ministers in a way they understand.  We have an empathy and understanding of the church as a whole.  We can navigate the tough waters that divide the denominations.  We are able to bridge the gap between churches and to highlight the beauty of it all as we gather around the common thread of essential doctrines.  This message was instilled in Kevin in childhood as his father was a military chaplain, where the ministers of all denominational backgrounds worked together to disciple the military families.  Doctrine is good, however, God is more than doctrine.  Shannon has had the opportunity to minster to different denominations including Methodist, Baptist, Church of Christ, Non-denominational, Catholic, and Assemblies of God.  Our message is simple:  God is doing more, and He wants to do that in you, your church, and your ministry.  We stir the church from her slumber!

Being in ministry over the years, we have seen many fellow workers leave the ministry due to burn-out, scandal, depressions, loss of desire, questioning God, or even boredom.  We minister to the wounded and hurting minister.  The spiritual battle is raging against the church and often the ministers are in the front-line of assault.  We create a space for ministers and their families to get away, to be heard, to grieve, and to heal.  This can be in the form of consultation to a minister, or to an entire congregation, or having weekend conferences to gather minister and families together who are facing the same struggles.  We mentor hurting churches until they are whole again. 

We provide resources without cost to the church at large.  We have Bible studies, blogs, and media content which can be utilized by any group.  This is especially for smaller congregations where the cost of these items can keep them out of reach.  We want to serve them and offer anything we have to them for free.

We make short videos, movies, bible lessons to share biblical messages to a media-driven world.  

A Video Hello

We love ministering with the local church.  Our heart is for the bride of Christ to become all that she can be.  We’d love to partner with you and help bring about lasting changes in your congregation.  This short video is our introduction to you, but of course we would love to talk more.  Contact us today, so we can talk about how we can partner together.

Donations Based

Resonate Ministries is a donations based ministry.  Our desire is to partner with any congregation, large or small.  Having served in congregations of various sizes, we understand large budgets, as well as limited budgets.  Our heart is the bride of Christ, and we want to minister anywhere that God leads, whether large or small.  We have private donors, and church donors that help keep the ministry financially secure.  There is no minimum amount required for our services to any congregation, and resources are always free.  However, any donation amount is helpful to the ministry.  We trust God for provision, and just ask for you to prayerfully consider how you can help the ministry.


There isn’t a catch!

We’ve been in the ministry for many years, and been on staff at congregations with large budgets and small budgets.  We’ve also been a part of two church plants, and one church revitalization.  We understand the challenges of limited resources.  The link below will direct you to our resource page featuring downloadable Bible Studies, devotions, and media content.  This content is updated on occasion.  Sign up for our newsletter to be notified of the latest uploads and resources.

We understand the need for resources on a limited budget.  Our desire is to offer high-quality content at no cost to churches.  It’s all about Kingdom growth.

All content is absolutely free with no catch at all.  If, however, you’d like to make a contribution of any amount, this will help us continue offering our free resources.

God is Moving

Things are changing all around us.  Much like the Jesus Revolution movement of the 1960’s and 70’s, the next decade is a pivotal time for the church.  We are equipped and ready to help churches make these vital steps to further the Kingdom.

We believe God is still moving and the best days are ahead!

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